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Fruitonic is specially formulated to boost metabolic activity in plant for healthy fruit development. The
unique content from fruitonic like microalgae, pigment precursor saccharides and special growth
factors optimizes auxin synthesis, cell division, sugar synthesis and transportation, pigment synthesis
which result in enhancement of fruit size and quality.
Dosage: Foliar spray :2-3 ml per liter of water for fruits and vegetables at Fruiting stage.
Root application : 1-2 Lit per Acre via drip or drenching.
Available in: 250 ml, 500 ml & litre bottle
Frutonic Liquid
Fruitonic boosts plant metabolism for healthy fruits with microalgae & growth factors, enhancing size & quality. Dosage: 2-3ml/L spray or 1-2L/acre drip. Sizes: 250ml-1L.
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